Saturday, 26 January 2013

Deep dipper

You don't get lows as low as this often. 930mb - I was speaking to one of the top brains at ECMWF at a wind forecasting shindig in Paris during in the Autumn he was taking about the big Atlantic storms being every bit as devastating as the tropical hurricanes. If this beast would have been travelling through the English Channel or through Biscay into Northern Europe it would be remembered as a storm of notable proportions and probably have gone on to swipe dozens of people from the planet. Thankfully then, its whirring away where it should be, miles from anywhere and the worst the hurricane force winds at its epicentre are doing is whipping up an almighty swell. 

This is the lunchtime surface analysis from the German Met Office (DWD), hand drawn and a magnificent piece of work if you like these kind of things. 

It's a beast alright, and there is some serious rain on the way over the next fortnight or so, as the south-westerlies conveyor up moist warm air from the subtropics. The surf options look like being simple - it's a case of heading around the corner up here in Cornwall or head somewhere further south and soak up the longer period juice for a week or so (the chance would be a fine thing). The north Africans will be having a field day. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Good weekend then tonnes of swell...

Decent weekend by most accounts, with the wind nestling in from the east - I got stuck in the snow.

Monster swells on the way over the next 10 days or so, starting tomorrow. A whole bunch of nutters will no doubt be taking on the mighty Mullag and the forecast couldn't be much better. Will be interested in seeing the footage if anything materialises.

Big westerly swells for much of the week 

.. and then more monster lows towards the weekend  =  945mb. 

Then a reload early next week 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Nearly everyone I know seems to have either disappeared off somewhere else, or is just about to - skiing, tropical paradises, Morrocco, central America and Norfolk. More the fool them I say, as there's been some good waves around and more to come.

The jet has his foot on the hammer over Nova Scotia, (see purple bit on the map below) and with lots of cold air driving off north America, a big unit will develop in the central Atlantic - some charts say as low as 950mb. 

The jet will dive south over central Europe next week after what could be a nice weekend with light, perhaps offshore winds and a slowly dying swell.  


There will be some big stuff early next week and the wind hasn't made its mind up yet where it will be blowing from, but there is more than one model, and some back up from the ensembles (see charts from below) suggesting offshore winds on Monday, for when the swell is peaking - one to watch closely over the weekend. 

After that, its looking promising - as well. Everything looks like calming down and the wind should turn SE'ly later next week. 

Give me Cornwall any day. 

It's going to start Neigeing

If you like snow and then go away from Cornwall. 

Monday, 7 January 2013

Sexy Beast

Attention everyone.

Nice Juicy Bum.
Long legs.
Soft olive skin. 
Bright red lips.
Rosy cheeks
Bright blue eyes. 
Pearly white teeth. 
Plump hooters. 

Hardly anything on, covered in bovril, flicking the bean and ready to get pumped. 

Without wanting sound too mysogenistic, if the forecast for Wednesday was a woman - that's what she'd be looking like. Hot as f*&k and ready for action. 

6 foot, 13 secs and a light south-east wind.

Rubber up.  

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Not a bad set up...

Plenty wave in the last couple of days, and more today, although it does look a bit wibbly wobbly this morning, but with a bit of effort and perhaps a bit of trailing around, I reckon there's oats to be eaten.

It's quite a complicated scenario this week - apathy has taken over pressure systems and nothing really seems to be taking control - there's a whole load of flabby lows, and sprawling highs drifting across Europe but also some swell generators out west - the current swell will hang around through today and tomorrow, at about the same size but Tuesday will be smaller I think.
Generally, (at least for the first part of the week) the wind will remain in the southerly quadrant

Wednesday looks nice - barely a scrap of wind after a new swell fills in overnight. Could be some decent waves and some lovely sunshine.

Beyond that, and it looks like getting colder - the Europeans bring super cold air from Estonia, the Americans try to do the same but later and less cold, while the MO looks like developing a growler out west with a general downward trend in temperatures.

I was looking some charts on Friday and there were some pretty good indications of a warming of the Stratosphere - this is linked with a weakening or evening a reversal of the polar vortex which tends to have a dramatic effect on temperatures - it is likely to be a cold second half to Janvier i suspect.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


At about 8.30 on NYE's a human chain of revellers and lots of booze came down a spiral stair case in deepest darkest Cornwall. I was a couple of bottles of Crabbies in, but for one reason or another I pulled off the back of what could have been a hefty session and ended up being pretty much the only person to the west of St Austell who escaped without a hangover on New Years day. Good job, as the sun was up and the wind offshore - Apart from climbing into a sopping wet suit, a perfect start to the year.

The New Year marked a big change in the weather too - for the time being at least, the relentless strong wind and rain will be replaced by light south winds and some sunshine by the end of the week. 

There are also some decent swell generators out in the drink too - think 1.5 to 2m and 12-14 seconds, pretty much constantly from now 'til early next week - plenty big enough for most at this time of year.



I suspect over the weekend it will get pretty decent but just watch for the wind nudging around to just west of southerly at times.