Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Return of the Low.

The Atlantic seems to have woken up a little this week - Low pressure is back on the scene and it's a pretty good picture on the run up to the weekend. This week's lows are nicely positioned - high in the Atlantic and mobile enough to extend their influence over Cornwall, bringing in a fresher feel and westerly winds through Wednesday and Thursday, before high pressure ridges in across Fastnet through Friday. 



There's some uncertainty on exactly how quickly the ridge will develop on Friday with the EC model wanting to drop it to no more than a feint zephyr by late arvo and it could glass off nicely in the evening. Fingers crossed here. 


The main bulk of the swell isn't destined for us but there'll be a manageable groundswell over the weekend and a nice south-easterly breeze to keep things nice and clean. 




PS how many waves in a set were there last Sunday. I counted 18 on one set!!! The last 4 or 5 peeled through unridden. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014


High noon wave period on Saturday - 

Choose carefully where to go as the wind has a little bit of a northerly component. 

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Steady Eddy

Hurricane nomenclature is a bit silly. This latest one's been given the name Edouard which is almost impossible to spell. It's in the western tropical Atlantic at the moment, doing the meteorological foxtrot and the best the computer models can tell us right now is that it'll continue to beef up for the next couple of days before heading east towards us. 

By Thursday it'll be here -

Friday here ...

...And by Saturday it'll have lost its identity. 

This is likely to bring a decent pulse of long period swell towards Corn which'll hit some time Saturday afternoon and last for a couple of days. I like these kind of swells, nothing too hectic, 3-4 foot, meatier sets and plenty of time to paddle out. 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Big and beefy

This kind of thing has been lurking in the depths of the forecast charts for a few runs now. It's a ghastly brute, with about a 1% chance of happening... 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

North or South

Nice southwesterly swell this weekend. Reckon it'll be a bit tastier than the charts suggest. 

Hopefully there'll be enough east in the wind to get the Cornish riviera pumping. 

If not, the north won't disappoint

Fill the car with juice